A compressor is the backbone of your air conditioner responsible for compressing the refrigerant so that it can flow in the AC and remove the heat. But failure to manage your AC system’s cleanliness can lead to wear and tear, which affects a lot on the functioning of your compressor. So when a compressor breaks down, it means that your AC system will need an emergency repair. In such an unfortunate scenario, replacement is the only option left. So knowing what exactly causing your compressor to fail is the key to saving your AC from sudden damage. AC service experts Miami Gardens has summarized few causes behind the compressor failure.

Electrical Failure

It can be caused by damaged wires and fuses. Usually what happens is that acids build up in the unit which leads to electrical issues and then it further leads to damage to other parts of the unit as well. Sometimes even power surges can also happen in your unit. But a trained technician can fix this up.


Overeating is also another common cause of failure. It usually occurs when direct sunlight falls on your unit and there is no appropriate ventilation which results in making the compressor overheated. Another cause could also be the high voltages which can damage the motor, resulting in making the compressor overheated.

Disposition of the Evaporator Motor

Now if your air conditioner’s motor is displaced, then it will force the refrigerant to return to the compressor, which will push the compressor coil out of its place. This will lead to some lubrication issues causing the compressor to lose its efficiency time and over again.

Excess Refrigerant in Your Unit

Now you might be wondering that from where the refrigerant got into your system in excess? Isn’t it? Now remember have you got low refrigerant issue earlier? And then you had called a technician, well, then if a technician doesn’t know much, he must have filled the refrigerant in excess than what is required.  The refrigerant levels should always match the quantity specified by the manufacturer. Otherwise, the compressor will get failed.

Suction Lines Not Correct

If the suction line is too long or too short, it can cause a failure of the compressor. So the wrong sizing of the suction line can build pressure and can overheat the compressor. This generally happens when the technician doesn’t know much and repairs the line and installs the wrong size of the line.


Now these above mentioned causes are usually responsible behind your compressor failure. So the best advice is not to delay the repairs as it will further add more damage to your compressor. Contact AC service experts Miami Gardens service any time and can take the assistance for the underlying issues and get your compressor rectified.